Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested.

If you get that, you're a nerd (or you like to watch nerds on TV) and that is totally cool with me.  I am an utter science nerd.

I love nerds
Let me introduce myself a bit, since this is my fist post on this brand spanking new blog.  My name's Penelope Ann.  You can call me Penny.

By day, I'm a Medical Technologist in a hospital in Western Montana.

Anyway, I work in the lab.  When I'm not doing science, I'm spending time with my awesome one-year-old son and my amazing husband.  I like to curl up with a good book, write, do crafts, find ways to save a penny, try and help save the environment one baby step at a time and when it's not snowing and cold out, I like to go for hikes.  When it's snowing out, it's snowboarding for me.

So, that's a brief bit about me.  

The reason I'm starting this blog is that I was searching for some good Med Tech blogs about life in the trenches (or at the you're a Tech, you totally get that and it's funny, dammit) in a medical lab and I found a whole bunch of nothing.  So, I decided to throw my voice out there.  

This blog will not be about technical, sciency stuff.  I mean, I love, love, love science.  Ah, hell, who are we kidding, it's more like love, love, love, love, love, love, love science.  Anyway, one of my recent goals has been to do my little bit to help raise awareness about what Med Techs are, what we do and such.  So, to further that effort, I want to share stories about the life of a Med Tech in a real, working hospital lab.

I love my job.  I mean, once in a while, I threaten to quit but that's just because EHR implementation SUCKS!  

Damn, sorry, didn't mean to shout.  I'm sure there will be a post or two dedicated to that topic, but really, for the most part, my job is awesome.  I get to do science every day and while I do it, I help people.  Plus I work with a batch of totally kooky but amazingly awesome people who make going to work every day fun and a bit of an adventure.

So, welcome to my blog.  Hope you stick around to hear some stories from a Mad Medical Technologist.


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